English Teacher Party: A Look into the Real Life of an English Teacher

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Excited August 18, 2010

Filed under: thoughts,wn entry,writers' notebook — hey2blondie @ 8:27 pm

Today we finished decorating our writer’s notebooks. As I was observing my students, I heard the chatter among my students. It wasn’t just small talk; they were talking about their notebooks and how cool they are! That makes me smile!!


A Celebration: An etheree August 12, 2010

Filed under: etheree,poetry,teachers who write — hey2blondie @ 9:01 pm

Today was my first day of school for the school year of 2010-2011. I decided to write a poem about today.


New school

Year has launched


Throughout each hallway

Teenagers happily chat

On the latest news today

Teachers welcome them lovingly

In hopes of a successful school year

Tomorrow awaits a new beginning

By Andi


Gearing Up… August 2, 2010

Filed under: back to school,bulletin boards,classroom,decorating — hey2blondie @ 5:40 pm

Today I decided that I would work in my classroom since school starts in a week in a half. It’s 5:25 pm and I am still at school. I have worked on my bulletin boards most of the time and they are finally done! I teach 6th grade Reading, English, and 7th grade English. At the beginning of the year, I like to have a board about their summer reading. This year they could choose one book from the following list:

The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster

Hatchet by Gary Pulsen

Old Yeller by Fred Gibson

Island of the Blue Dolphines by Scott O’Dell

My students then had to write a book report using the criteria provided. They could write a newspaper article, radio drama, or a song. I will display their work the board below. Each student will also decorate their own flip flop to place on the board along with their book report.

We also have to have a religious bulletin board. I got this idea on our way to Florida. There was a bus that said, ” Jesus is the real lifesaver.” I made my”soulsaver” candies out of construction paper.


My last bulletin board I got the idea off of the internet. I added more parts of speech than what was shown on the internet. I made the puzzle pieces out of construction paper too.

I feel that my bulletin boards look great! I guess tomorrow I will have to get organized and maybe hang some posters!